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At Mill Rythe Infants we ensure that all pupils are aware of ways that they can stay safe at school, at home and online. All of our children have had a dedicated series of assemblies focused upon e-safety, through a child-friendly website called ‘Think-U-Know’. This website contains a series of videos about various internet safety problems which the children are then able to discuss, find solutions for and discuss in circle times with staff. We have talked about keeping our private information to ourselves, including our name, age, address and school. During the assemblies, we also learned that sometimes people can pretend to be other people when online as we don’t know them in real life.

If you click on the picture below, it will take you to the website. Please feel free to ask your child about what they know about keeping safe online.


Other useful websites are listed below:

All pupils, parents, staff and governors sign a ‘safe use of ICT’ commitment to ensure that we are all following clear guidelines and staying safe online.

Clever Never Goes

We have also worked with the children on ‘Clever Never Goes’  which teaches the children about how to be clever and keep themselves safe. Click the picture below to visit the website.

Safer strangers, safer buildings

When out and about, many children have lost sight of their parents. We aim to support pupils when this occurs by training them to look for safer strangers and safer buildings when this happens. All the children had an opportunity to share how they felt if this had happened and what they did to find their parent. The pupils then heard the story of a child who got lost and which safer strangers she asked to help e.g.

-A person working at a till in a shop

-A policeman

-A teacher

-A doctor

Safer buildings could be

-Mosques, synagogues or churches


-Police stations

-Fire stations

A handy website to support you in discussion with your child is

Sharing our worries

We have learned about the different people we can talk to about  anything that worries us, playing on games that are suitable for our age and never sharing information or pictures.