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Below you will find overviews for each Key Stage 1 subject illustrating when we deliver the National Curriculum content. There are also Long Term Overviews for Years 1 and 2 (subject to change depending on the needs of the cohort). 

Each half term we also share a parent overview so you can see what your child will be learning this half term. 



We follow the agreed syllabus for Religious Education. ‘Living Difference 4’ was agreed by Hampshire, IOW, Portsmouth and Southampton Councils to ensure all schools have a comprehensive understanding of belief systems across the world.  The two faiths that we cover within our RE sessions are Christianity and Hinduism. However, it is essential to provide children with an overview of other religions and we ensure that key celebrations in each religion are discussed as part of our daily schooling as a matter of course.  If you would like to discuss our RE curriculum or opt your child out of RE sessions, please make an appointment to speak with Mrs Ford.