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Emergency Information

Access Arrangements in the event of extreme weather conditions

Mr Martin, our Site Manager, will endeavour to grit or clear all access routes to the school building before school begins each morning. The following arrangements will be in place if more extreme weather situations mean it is not possible to secure safe access to the building from all routes, prior to the start of the school day.


The playground and path in from the main road will be gritted as a priority. The paths outside the school office and down both sides of the schools will also be gritted to allow the children easy access. The office will be open as normal.


The paths through from the main road to the school office will be cleared as soon as possible. Snow will also be cleared from both sides of the school to reduce slippage. Grit will be put down on icy areas to ensure pupils and parents are safe. The office will open as normal.

Direct access to the classrooms at the rear of the building may be restricted during times of heavy snow and/or snow melt, to reduce risk of injury.

School closure

Please continue to check the Home Page for up to date information in the event of school closures due to extreme weather conditions. We will also endeavour to update parents via the text messaging service and Facebook, as appropriate. Hampshire Council will be informed as soon as the decision is made to close the school, with all parents being informed as soon as possible. A notification will be put on the school homepage, with the local radio stations also being informed.

We ask that parents support these arrangements and thank you in advance for your co-operation.